Teaching Technology

Teaching Technology in the Classroom to be Good Digital Citizens

Technology has taken over today’s society. Connectivity and the internet is at the heart of most devices and innovations. From communicating with one another to shopping, the internet and smart devices have revolutionized how people go about their daily routine. But, adults today have the benefit of growing up with the advancement of today’s technology so they know both the rewards and the risks. Children today may not be as familiar, which is why teaching technology in the classroom is important so that kids can grow up to be good digital citizens.

Being a good digital citizen may not be automatic for a lot of people. There are things to know and understand in order to achieve this.

Teaching Technology in the Classroom

Digital Do’s

With the internet and technologies such as social media, it is so easy to overshare things. People tend to forget that it isn’t only them affected by what they post or share on their pages. Comments, photos, videos, all of these are at risk. By teaching technology in the classroom, the risk can be minimized.

  1. Teach kids to treat others the way they want to be treated. This probably sounds very cliche and basic but there is a reason why it bears mentioning every now and then. Always refer to this digital etiquette and things will be better.
  2. Keeping safe. Make sure to use all the right safeguards with social media accounts and other activities online. Use secure passwords, 2-step verifications, proper anti-virus and anti-malware. All of these can go a long way in keeping a child safe online.
  3. In teaching technology in the classroom, it is important to go over the rules and emphasize the need to follow them. Classroom forums, social media pages, websites, all of these have certain rules and guidelines on how to use them.
  4. For parents, teachers, and guardians, it is important to be vigilant. If someone observes something suspicious in a kid’s online activity, it is imperative to report it. People cannot be too careful these days on the internet.

Digital Don'ts

If there are things to do, there are things to avoid as well when using digital technology. And these should also be emphasized to kids as well.

  1. Being online sometimes gives.
  2. people a sense of anonymity. They feel like they are not liable to what they say. But that isn’t true. Don’t say anything online that you are not comfortable in saying to someone in person.
  3. Do not share online anything that you do not own without permission. Content is usually owned by someone else. Photos, articles, blogs, etc. Do not take credit or share them to seem that it came from you.
  4. One of the most important things in teaching technology in the classroom is do not believe everything you read online. A lot of fake news or misinformation floats around social media and the internet in general. Teach kids to be cautious and to learn how to fact check.
  5. Do not spend all your free time online. The internet has a lot to offer, but the outside world has much more to offer. Human interaction, amazing experiences, and lessons to be learned are all waiting out the door and not on a screen.

While teaching technology in the classroom is a must, parents should also help out. Reinforce the learnings from school, set good examples by being good digital citizens themselves, and of course, have a comfortable level of monitoring over your kids while they are online.