As a student your major concern is how your information can stay private. You won’t like to be spied by someone in particular or by your own internet service provider. Additionally, you want safety from potential threats like hacking, malware or stealing of data.
Well, don’t be worried about it anymore, “Student Secure Web” (SSW) is the practice used exactly for such risks. “Secure web” is commonly used by many websites to secure their data. Think of it as automatic encryption where links start from https:// instead of usual http:// . Here only your domain and sub domain of URL will be visible while the rest of your URL and information is going to be encrypted (hidden). Don’t be worried about “man-in-the-middle”!
The SSW follows the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which protects personally identifiable information (PII) from student’s education records from unauthorized disclosure.
Let’s see how it can help you as a student:
It is rightly said that “Technology trust is a good thing, but control is a better one.” SSW not only helps to secure the website but it also opens the door for flawless service. In this modern age and time, It is necessary to have secure website because there are series of new viruses which can attack your system as well as new hacking techniques which can break into your profile. But with SSW your data and information will be up to date and you can feel safe.